Friday, January 3, 2014

"Warriors....Come out and playayyyyyy!!!"

OK so that's from a completely different movie than what I want to tell you about but what a scene!

Have you ever seen the movie Warrior with Tom Hardy (aka Bane in the recent Batman movie).  If not, Hardy is a mixed martial artist who dominates everyone he fights.  Physically.... Hardy is a monster.  Take a look for yourself....


Now that I got you all jacked up!

If you're interested in the workout routine to prepare for this role the link below provides you with the outline. The workout is intense but I think you'll be surprised at what it entails. Don't be afraid to modify this as well, for instance maybe cut out the bridge and do the push up circuit + dips + shoulder flies + bicep curls.
And... if you just can't get enough of Mr. Hardy himself and want to buy the movie, check out the below link.  Great price for a brand new DVD.

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