Saturday, January 4, 2014

Ciroc Vodka - GLUTEN FREE!

For all you Vodka drinkers suffering from Celiac Disease or on a Gluten free diet...FEAR NOT!!

The blue bottle of Ciroc Vodka is gluten free!
Ciroc is gluten free because it's made from French grapes and distilled five times while most vodka's are made from potatoes or grains and therefore contain gluten.  Just be careful, Ciroc is slowly introducing various flavors which may contain gluten in the flavoring.  Stick with the blue bottle and you'll be fine.

So break out that tonic and drink up!!  (See my prior post to help you with the next day hangover!)
Don't let the hangover takeover!

"Two roads diverged in a wood, and I...I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference." - Robert Frost

Friday, January 3, 2014

"Warriors....Come out and playayyyyyy!!!"

OK so that's from a completely different movie than what I want to tell you about but what a scene!

Have you ever seen the movie Warrior with Tom Hardy (aka Bane in the recent Batman movie).  If not, Hardy is a mixed martial artist who dominates everyone he fights.  Physically.... Hardy is a monster.  Take a look for yourself....


Now that I got you all jacked up!

If you're interested in the workout routine to prepare for this role the link below provides you with the outline. The workout is intense but I think you'll be surprised at what it entails. Don't be afraid to modify this as well, for instance maybe cut out the bridge and do the push up circuit + dips + shoulder flies + bicep curls.
And... if you just can't get enough of Mr. Hardy himself and want to buy the movie, check out the below link.  Great price for a brand new DVD.

Thursday, January 2, 2014

How do I meditate? There are so many different options!

There are boat loads of information devoted to the "perfect" meditation technique.  Trust me when I say I’ve read at least one boats worth and after many eye cramps, have come to the conclusion that if you want to clear your mind and calm your spirit, there are 4 steps you need to follow. That's right, only 4!
Step 1:  Remain as motionless as possible.  I like to sit Indian style with my hands cupped in the middle of my legs and the left hand wresting in the palm of my right hand.  In the past, I've also rested the back of my hands on each knee with my palms up and fingers touching.  Here's what you need to know.  There is really no difference in how your hands are positioned.  The important thing is that you are comfortable and your back is straight.  If you are just starting to meditate, I even recommend sitting Indian style with your back flat against a wall as well as your head.  This will ensure good posture and allow you to build endurance. 

Step 2:  Create a pathway for Qi (pronounced “Chi”) to flow.  Place the tip of your tongue on the roof of your mouth.  This step is based solely off Chinese influences that dictate this point in the mouth is where the upward-flowing energy from yang meridians in the back of your body changes to downward-flowing energy in the yin meridians in the front of your body.  Therefore the tongue touching the roof of the mouth creates a connection allowing a continuous flow (loop) of qi.
Step 3:  Breathe in and out through your nose and concentrate on your breathing.  Take 3 deep breaths to start then begin to breath normal while concentrating on the breaths.  There are different ways you can concentrate, and each person will tell you which way is the best.  I've come across  counting the breaths up to 10 and then down to 0, counting the breaths up to 6 and repeating, labeling the breaths in-out- in-out, etc. etc.  There is absolutely no difference.   The important thing is that you find something that works for you.

Step 4:  Do not get frustrated when thoughts enter your mind.  This is the tough part about meditating. When you first begin your mind will not be accustomed to stillness and thoughts will come in from every which way.  This is completely normal!  Simply allow them to enter, acknowledge them, let them pass, and return o focusing on your breathing.  People tend to think they are not meditating correctly b/c TV makes it seem like meditation transcends us to another universe.  This is not the case (at least when you start out).  Personally, I like to slide any thoughts out of my head to the left, similar sliding an app on an IPhone.  Other people I know label the thoughts first, “family”, “work”, etc. and then pass them out of their mind.  Again, find what works for you!  The key point here is to not let these thoughts consume you or frustrate you to the point where you give up or fail to resume concentrating on your breathing.


After about 5-10 minutes of meditating properly you should find yourself in a place you’ve most likely never been before (at least that’s how I feel).  A sensation comes over me and I feel like I am walking around inside my mind, completely calm, completely clear, and completely oblivious to the world around me.  Personally, I love this place; this place is the reason I meditate.  This place is amazing. 


The absolute best analogy I’ve read, and the one that sticks with me the most when it comes to thinking about the effects of meditation, is to think of your mind like a murky glass of water.  All your thoughts, emotions and stresses of everyday life make up the dirt & sediment in this water.  Try to look clearly through this water….it's impossible.

Now take that glass of water and let it sit and be still for a few minutes, what happens?  The dirt begins to settle.  Look through the water now…crystal clear. 

This is what meditation does!!  It allows all of your thoughts, emotions, and stresses to settle, thereby allowing your mind to settle and allowing you to see things clearly.  If meditation is about nothing else for you, it should be about this. 
I promise you, meditate 10 minutes a day for 2 weeks and you will immediately notice a difference in your life.  I wouldn't take the time to write this if I didn't believe it.  Don't forget to come back and tell me about your experience!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

The Wolf Inside Us (Yin v. Yang)

I found this picture the other day and thought it was brilliant.  I love the way it captures the yin yang symbol in the wolf's face with corresponding Good v. Evil traits.  Answering the question Which Wolf Wins? by stating The One You Feed Most is an excellent reminder of how easy it can be to fall into a rut, ultimately consuming yourself with negative (Evil) thoughts.  But the simplicity in this statement also makes you realize how incredibly easy it is to get yourself back to a positive place both mentally and phsyically. 
All you have to do is feed the Good...